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How To Know The Melitta Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine That’s Right For You

Melitta Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine Review

Melitta offers a great-looking filter coffee machine for an affordable cost. It’s also simple to operate and maintain. Most of the components (jug, tank & filter holders) are dishwasher safe which makes cleaning up a breeze.

The machine is easy to use and the coffee is always hot. The timer function is a major feature as well.


If you are looking for a low cost filter coffee machine that’s also easy to use then the melitta maxima timer filter coffee maker could be the answer. The company who made it invented filter coffee, so you’d expect them know what they were doing – and they did. The machine has a popular rating with online buyers.

It is very simple to use and the majority of parts are dishwasher safe which makes it easier still to keep clean. Glass lids and jugs are the only exception, but they can be cleaned by the use of a simple wipe.

The model is popular because of its timer function that can be set to brew coffee at a certain time. This can be a tremendous help for those who are busy and don’t have the time to prepare the coffee in the morning.

Heating the machine is a different feature that buyers enjoy. This is a good idea because it allows you to get the jug and the water tank to a certain temperature so that when you get started to make a pot of coffee it’s hot and bursting with flavor.

The machine comes with an automatic limescale protection system that keeps it in good working order and can help prevent the build up of scales within. It has four different water hardness settings, so you can adjust it to the water in your area. There is also an optional descaling cycle that can be activated once a year.

This model has a permanent filter, so you don’t need to purchase paper filters. When you first use an entirely new filter, it’s advised to run hot water through it. This will remove any residue left behind from the manufacturing process. This can also help flush the system and ensure that it is ready for a fresh filter. The machine has a max capacity of 1.5L which is sufficient to serve up to four average coffee mugs. It has a digital clock that is easy to read. There is an automatic power off function which reduces energy consumption when the machine is not operating.


The filter coffee machine features an elegant, modern design. The glass tank and the water tank jug have been curved to create a sleek style that can be a perfect match for any kitchen design. The water tank, which is transparent, has a recessed grip and is marked with cup measurements making it simple to keep track of the amount of coffee being brewed. This machine also comes with a patented Aroma Selector that allows users to adjust their coffee strength.

Automatic shut-off is another great feature. After 40 minutes the machine will shut off. This means you don’t need to worry when you leave it in the dark. This is a great option for busy families, since it can save you time and energy. It also prevents your coffee from becoming cold. The machine can be cleaned and maintained with the dishwasher.

This melitta timer filter comes with five melitta coffee filters that are white and is compatible with standard size paper coffee filters. It can brew up to 8 cups of coffee and features an incredibly useful timer button to make your coffee ready as soon as you wake up.

The machine comes with black with a black finish. It is compact enough to fit inside a cabinet or on a desk. It’s a nice, thick glass jug that is better quality than some of the cheaper models on the market, and it has a fully integrated feel to it.

This model is perfect for those who want an easy-to-use filter machine. With a big max capacity for brewing, a simple single-cup function and three keep warm settings, it comes with everything you require from a filter coffee maker. It has some extras like auto limescale prevention, programable water hardness and descaling. This makes it more user-friendly. With a reasonable price, this is a great option for any kitchen.

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The Melitta Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine has been designed to be simple to use. Its small size and sleek black finish make it an attractive addition to any kitchen. The machine is equipped with a clock that is programmable so which you can set to the time of night to awake to a cup of hot coffee. You can also select the strength of your coffee to meet your preferences.

The machine is simple to use and the digital display makes it easy to navigate the settings. It also has an indicator light that indicates when it is ready for use. Additionally the machine can be programmed to begin the brewing process automatically at a certain time. This is a great feature for busy families and can ensure that your morning cup of coffee is ready when you want it.

Another great feature of the melitta optima timer filter coffee machine that a lot of customers appreciate is its capacity to keep a coffee pot hot for up to two hours. This feature can be activated by pressing the button on the front. This is especially useful if you are having guests over and would like to serve coffee with filter.

One of the things buyers appreciate about this machine is the low cost. It is cheaper than many other filter coffee machines. The quality of the coffee is comparable to that of other models with higher prices.

It’s a great choice for those who drink the taste of filter coffee every morning. It is also simple to clean and comes with a handy water bottle which is dishwasher safe.

The only downside to this filter coffee maker is that it might take a little while for the water to reach the maximum level in the jug. Furthermore, the jug is slightly smaller than the other models from Melitta, but this is not an issue for the majority of customers.


This model is a great choice to get a filter coffee maker that is easy to use, and provides an outstanding value for money. It is available in a sleek black finish that is ideal for office and home use.

The Optima Timer is designed to be effective and easy to use with the capability to set the exact moment you’d like your coffee to be to be brewed. It’s also easy to clean, with a removable water tank and clear measurements for cups. You can even alter the hardness to improve the taste of your coffee. It can also indicate that descaling is required to avoid the build-up of minerals and prolong the life of your machine.

Melitta is a multinational company who have been producing products with a branded logo for coffee enjoyment and household cleaning since 1919. They offer a wide range of products and it’s easy to choose the best one for your requirements. They produce everything from simple and affordable models in their Look and Easy ranges, to high-end designs like the Aromaelegance or their range topping Aromafresh.

Melitta Optima Timer is a excellent choice for those who are looking for an espresso maker with a filter that is affordable. It’s user-friendly and makes an excellent, fresh coffee with no fuss. You’re guaranteed that you will receive a high-quality product that will last for many years.


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